2019 CHAPTER UPDATES AND NEWS from Chapter Liaison Officer, David Miles.
There have recently changes in the operation of two of our regional chapter, whilst another celebrates.
Firstly our longest serving chapter coordinator, Gurney Clamp from Capricorn chapter has resigned his position after 10 plus years. Gurney, assisted by wife Gloria, saw the formation of the chapter and its growth to become so very active and providing the pleasure of MG fun and fellowship to MG owners and enthusiasts in the central Queensland area. Gurney can now pursue his other interests, particularly his passion for Golf. It has been a pleasure to work with Gurney and I wish, along with the MG Car Club members, that he and Gloria might be able to continue to enjoy the fellowship of the members of the Chapter to which they dedicated so much time and effort.
Gurney's position is taken over by long term club member Gary Kunst.
From one of our oldest chapters to our newest, Bundaberg Chapters Eric Beckmann has resigned with David and Jenny Cook taking over. Eric, ably assisted by Janelle, saw the establishment of the Chapter in its own right, having formerly being part of Wide Bay Chapter. Under their leadership, the Beckmanns grew the fledgling chapter to the point where it hosted the very successful inter-chapter meeting last year.
Last, but not least, our oldest chapter, Wide Bay, celebrates its 14th anniversary on Australia Day! Thanks and congratulations to all those involved in this chapter over the years, with particular thoughts for the late Ian Bryant and wife Helen.
David Miles
Regional chaptershave been established throughout Queensland in order to enable our country members may become more involved with the many privileges and pleasures that MGCC (Qld) membership offers.
Already functioning in Wide Bay, Bundaberg, Darling Downs, Capricorn and Far North Queensland, these regional chapters have greatly enhanced the benefits of membership of the Queensland club for a rapidly increasing number of MG owners and enthusiasts, as well as linking them to the world wide MG Car Club. Country membership is only $60.00 pa, with no joining fee, and includes our bi-monthly, award winning “Octagon” magazine.
Wide Bay (Hervey Bay, Maryborough, Gympie etc.)
Contact: David Hall
Phone: 07 4125 8436, Mobile: 0429 932 248,
Email: lynhayward@gmail.com
Bundaberg & District (Bundaberg and Districts)
This was formerly part of the Wide Bay Chapter and the members were affectionately referred to as the Bundy Crew. The number of members has grown so that it has now become a Chapter in its own right.
Contact: David and Jenny Cook
Home Phone: 07 41595116
Mobile: 0491278347
Email: dcook49@outlook.com
Darling Downs (Toowoomba, Warwick, Stanthorpe, Roma, etc.)
Contact: ​Glen Hadfield,
Phone: 07 4630 8872
Mobile: 0430 055 192,
Email: glenhadfield@outlook.com
Capricorn (Rockhampton, Yeppoon, Gladstone, Emerald, etc.)
Contact: Gary Kunst
Phone: 0419 909 616.
Email: garyk53@icloud.com or juliek26@bigpond.net.au
Far North Qld (Cairns, Innisfail, Atherton, Mossman etc.)
Contact: John Fransen
Phone: 0448 658 830
Email: mgccq-fnq@bigpond.com
Whitsundays (Mackay and surrounding areas)
Contact: Richard Collier (interim contact)
Phone: 0418792766
Email: richard_lynn_c@hotmail.com
Contact: David Miles
Phone: 0418760447 (07)38922699
Email: david@amiles.com.au (Regional Chapter coordinator)

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