Noggin Natter – Friday, 21 April, 2023
An enthusiastic group of MG Club members enjoyed a presentation on Model Steam Engines at the second Noggin Natter for April at the Clubrooms.
After a tasty supper of pizza, quiches, cheese, dip and crackers, Tim Bateman displayed his collection of steam engines that were developed as projects for his high school students to construct.
Don Webster and Brian Purvis also brought along other variations from their childhood. The steam buffs got 4 engines fired up and running.
Once the water was boiling, steam started puffing, flywheels were spinning, cranks were turning and whistles were blowing, much to the delight of the crowd gathered around the tables.
Tim, Don and Brian were happy to answer questions and share their knowledge of these little relics of the past.
An enjoyable and informative evening was had by all.

Noggin Natter – Friday, 17 March, 2023
A fun night was had by all to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day. 18 people came along and it was great to see they got into the spirit of the special day by finding something green in their wardrobes to wear for the occasion.
The table was suitably decorated to reflect traditional Irish fare. Tim and Lynne provided baked potatoes with a selection of fillings and a fresh green salad, followed by green iced cupcakes and tea and coffee.
Guinness was ‘on tap’ for those who enjoy the traditional Irish beverage, as well as the usual wine, beer and soft drinks.
After dinner, Irish quiz questions were shared, with people displaying their vast knowledge of all things Irish!
Good company with lots of chatter and laughs, while enjoying a nice dinner and drinks.

I was recently in England I had travelled there to see my mother who lives in Hertfordshire. Her birthday is 8 September, which of course was the day her majesty passed away. At the recent general meeting, I suggested we have a function to celebrate her life.
We had a function at the clubrooms to celebrate her majesty’s life. The event only had very short notice, but we still managed to have 20 members attend. Everyone bought various food items - I bought along sandwiches which were cheese and Branston pickles and there were also assorted cakes and salmon with caviar. I managed to borrow from my federal member's office, a lovely portrait of her late majesty which everyone commented was an amazing picture.
I bought along some assorted memorabilia from the Queen's life and there were flags hanging from the club room walls.
Her majesty had an amazing life and had carried out her duties over the years with amazing skill and grace. She will be missed by everyone in Britain and the Commonwealth and by millions of people all over the world.
A life well lived!
Peter May
Member no 3487

At our Club House
The inaugural Saturday Arvo was a huge success, not numbers-wise on the day so much as those attending enjoyed the YapYap, the food supplied was great and the working Members of the Club were able to complete the Trophy Showcases rebuild after the floods with many hands making light work.
Five of our midweek run members were unable to attend, four of them being struck down by Covid and Jeff Hesslewood having his shed constructed. Do hope the Jones's and Hoger's are on the mend. The afternoon was a great chance for John and Glen Boyce to join us as well as Jan Burke and Barry Lutwyche. We also enjoyed the company of Jenny and Eric, visitors from the UK, who are staying with MG friends, Tim and Lyn Bateman.
Caught up with the Derriman's, Barbara being a huge presence in the Canteen and maker of the lunch packs for the “flaggies”. There are so many unsung heroes who make the various areas of the Club function. Thank you, Barbara. It was also a great opportunity to interact with Members of the Management Committee who also attended. Special thanks to our Club Captain, Don Webster, who arrived bright and early to open the Club House and set up the Bar etc.
Photos and news from recent Noggin 'n' Natters
Following the night of the Asian Adventure, Max and Noeline Johnson offered a ‘Welcome to Winter’ on Friday 4th June, and what a cold night it was. Numbers were down, but spirits were high which bodes well for attendance at future evenings.
In an attempt to tie our evening meeting with something important that was occurring outside the club, Tim and Lynne Bateman hosted an Italian themed meal in honour of ‘National Lasagne Day’, even if this spurious event only existed in their own minds. And of course, our resident sommelier, Flavio, was able to advise on a suitably accompanying wine – a cheeky Lambrusco.
Unfortunately, our next themed dinner which was to be in celebration of USA Independence Day, had to be cancelled because that nasty virus exerted its own independence and forced us into virtual lock down.
Well, we were not going to put up with that, so we revolted which coincidentally tied up with our French amies celebrating Bastille Day. Tim and Lynne provided a meal of Quiche Lorraine with Crepes for dessert, which satisfied the hungry hordes.
But there is more yet to come as inventive minds seek to find suitable external events that can tie up with a themed dinner.

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