For general information about the hillclimb, how to become a competitor etc, please download this information brochure.
This page has coming events as well as photos and results from the latest and past hillclimb events. Click the title for more.
The Under 40's Club was officially recognized at the 2007 AHC at Mt Cotton when Australia’s Delegate to the FIA World Council of Motorsport, Garry Connelly, attended to make special presentations to the members of the Club.
Before the AHC, there were 9 members; by the end of the first day of competition, there were 11. Each member received a beautiful specially-designed and engraved medallion in a presentation box, a framed certificate and a cloth patch. Click the title for more information.
People with an association with the Hillclimb were invited to become a “Friend of Mt Cotton” by taking out either a Gold or Silver Membership. Gold membership was for a five year duration and Silver membership for three. Routine maintenance of the Hillclimb was funded from the MG Car Club budget while funds raised from Friends of Mt Cotton membership was used for selected upgrade initiatives to continue the improvement of the facility. Click the title for more information.
After having been sent a few shots of members from past, which were quite appropriately labeled "Past Masters of the Hill", we decided to dedicate some pages to our past by adding photos that our members would like to send in.
Should you wish to contribute, please email them as an attachment to the club. Only hillclimb photos will go on this page, we will add other old photos on the Nostalgia page. Click the title for more information.

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