MT COTTON HILLCLIMB SERIES, Round 1, 5-6 March, 2022
Competitors enjoyed the opportunity to have 15 runs over the weekend at the first round of the Mt Cotton Hillclimb Series for 2022. After the Christmas break the Regularity runners were a bit rusty, however Flavio Paggiaro in his MGBGTV8 was the eventual winner.
Harry Doling came within 0.58 of a second of his own record to take out the Road Registered Sedan Cars - 1601 to 2000cc. Phillip Rowen debuted his new Renault RS 250 Megane and took out the Road Registered Sedan Cars - 2001cc & over.
It was great to see a ‘new’ MG at Mt Cotton for the first time in a long time with Dave Roberts debuting his new MG B, powered by a Ford V8 which also found in the MG X Power SV, keeping it true to the mark. It looked fantastic on the track and sounded even better.
We also had another ‘new’ competitor in Christopher Beahan in the open wheel MannPower Special, powered by a grey holden motor. It’s always great to see historic cars being driven enthusiastically.
Nice to see two Formula Ford – 1600 competitors in Gary Goulding and Rick Miles, Rick was a comfortable winner 2.98 seconds. There was a good battle once again in the Sports Sedans - Up to 2000cc, between Tyson Cowie and Gavin Taylor, with Tyson the eventual winner by just 0.11 seconds.
It was great to see Jim Milliner having a run in his OMS after a long break, he was straight into competitive times.
Congratulations to Warwick Hutchinson for taking out Fastest Time of Day after a very close battle with Brett Bull over the weekend. The final margin could not have been any smaller with Warwick finishing the weekend with a best time of 37.73 seconds just 0.01 second clear of Brett. The Top six saw a change in order with Brett being the clear winner by 0.48 of a second over Warwick.
Most Improved - Cameron Austen
Best MG – Cameron Austen
Fastest time of Day – Warwick Hutchinson
Top Six winner – Brett Bull.
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