Established 1 November, 2008
John Fransen
Email: mgccq-fnq@bigpond.com
Phone: 0448 658 830
FAR NORTH QLD CHAPTER - Sunday, 8 May, 2022
Wet Season Comes Late
By Pauline Hepburn
As usual for runs south, we met at Macca’s Gordonvale for leisurely coffee and snacks. In spite of continual heavy rain, and reduced numbers due to Mother’s Day, a unanimous decision was made to continue the run to Babinda Boulders.
We splashed south down the Bruce Highway, turning through the main street of Babinda and headed to the Boulders Recreation Area. On arrival we paddled from the car park to an undercover picnic table, joining a very wet, sad looking scrub turkey. The rain continued to fall as a few tall tales were told.
The group then, under cover of umbrellas, walked down to the swimming area for a look and a photo shoot. Some people, much more adventurous than us, were even swimming. The Boulders area is notorious in the North for accidents and drownings. A bit further down from the swimming area there are waterfalls and rapids, with very slippery rocks.
About 20 people have died here over the last 50 years, including two last year.
A couple of us decided to walk the 400m to see the falls, but the rain increased in intensity, and they surrendered to the conditions and came back.
We then convoyed back to the Village of Babinda for lunch at Kool Café. The service was prompt and efficient to our reserved table, the food and company both great. Of course, once we were under cover the rain ceased. The next day’s weather report said The Boulders that day had the heaviest rain for the district, and the heaviest at The Boulders for some years. We really know how to pick them!
Consequently all of our company travelled in tin tops, but the atmosphere in the group was not diminished by this.
Tony Basham, Kim and Fiona Halloran, Brendon and June Hammersley, Graham and Pauline Hepburn, Barry and Maureen Grieve, Alan Wardlaw and Padma.

FNQ Chapter – Distinguished Gentleman’s Drive, Sundat 26 September, 2021
The Distinguished Gentleman’s Drive (DGD) is a celebration of classic style with 2021 being the inaugural event, on Sunday 26 Sept. It’s an on road motoring event, uniting pre 80’s classic cars, designed to encourage vintage car owners around the world to dress dapper, driving for men’s health.
All funds raised by Distinguished Gentlefolk support charity partner Movember, with funds being invested in vital research and programs for prostate cancer and men's mental health.
The DGD is a themed event, where drivers/passengers dress dapper to complement the elegant design of their vehicles. On the same day, 1000s of drivers around the world start their engines to drive for a cause with each local event organised by volunteers.
Drivers register on DGD’s website and are encouraged to create their profile with the goal of raising funds/awareness for men's health. Once registered, Drivers receive drive info for their local event, to celebrate their fundraising achievements and where drivers connect with their fellow DGD participants, by taking a drive together in their area. This first year in FNQ we ended up having two cars for the drive, and raised a total of $751.00 locally, with the hopes of having more join in 2022, who knows other Qld Chapters might like to open events in their areas too.
DGD participants – Leon and Llorien, and John and Cherie, both with Red MG Midgets. Our drive was starting at the Cairns Esplanade driving up to Mossman onto High Falls Farm Restaurant on the river at Whyanbeel.

FNQ Chapter – Gordonvale / Currajah Hotel run – Saturday, 7 August 2021
Change to Saturday for our Chapter run this month, due to the Cairns Swap Meet being on the Sunday. Lucky we chose it anyway, as the following day was rain as well as snap lockdown Sunday afternoon in Cairns, due to a COVID case scare. It was a lovely drive from southside meeting point of Gordonvale and then along the Bruce Highway, making it for lunch at Currajah Hotel, after a decent wait for a cane train shunting issue where traffic was backed up.
We saw a second cane train on our arrival to the hotel, very busy on the rail tracks today.
Banner photo from this run.
Participants –
Bob and Patty White Sprite, Tony B Red TD, Kay and Harvey White Jag XJS, John and Cherie Red Midget, Kim and Fiona Black MX5, Steve and Maureen Red MGB.

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