MT COTTON HILLCLIMB SERIES- Round 1, 9 - 10 March, 2024
First hillclimb for the year was held on 9 and 10 March, 2024. On Saturday the competitors had a dry track with a little sprinkling of rain spots on Sunday. However a dry track for most of the day.
From the twelve runs over the weekend, the fastest times were set by the larger engine capacity Formula cars. Warwick Hutchinson in his turbocharged rotary powered OMS set the fastest time of 38.50 seconds from the Kawasaki turbo Van Diemen of Brett Bull 39.34 seconds.
Times in the up to 1300 ccs saw Jim Milliner in his OMS (40.76 seconds) from Greg Tebble (Speads Formula 1000) in 41.98 being his best time to date and first time under the 42 seconds mark, Luke Weiks (42.20) the homebuilt car of David Quelch (42.38), Ed McCane (44.59), Ian Rennick (45.85) with Mitchell Allwood (46.40 seconds).
Chris Beahan recorded consistent 50 seconds laps in his 1200 cc Formula Vee.
David Malone (Torana GTR XU1) and Barry Smith (Ford V8 Special) ran their cars in the Historic classes.
A return to the circuit by the Anable family and their BMW sedan cars all turbocharged saw Doug Anable fastest with a 45.44 time from Scott Anable (45.51), Waco Hamlin (Honda Civic, 47.44) Adrian Purcell (Subaru WRX, 47.78), Glenn Anable (47.85), Brendan Merrick (Datsun 120Y turbo, 48.20) being the top six of the sedan cars.
Ryan Campbell was the quickest of the sports cars in his Westfield clubman with a 45.54 from Jim Heymer (45.55), Terry Sporston (48.07), Jeff Graham (49.10), Rod Thomas (49.11), Ben Stevens (49.79), junior drivers Harrison Waldron (52.98) and Connor Tebble (53.12 including a magnificent save out of the first loop) with Andrei Shinkarenko in the Saker SV1 (56.45 seconds).
Regularity class went to Rob Souter following another tight contest between Rob, Robert Martin and Chris Lake. Rob won the class from Robert then Shaun Rankin, Chris, Lindsay Derriman and Chrystellee Semple.
Top Six Shootout went to Warwick Hutchinson (39.00), Jim Milliner (40.72), Greg Tebble (42.18), Doug Anable (45.58) with Scott Anable (46.17).
Fastest Time of Day: Warwick Hutchinson
Most Improved Driver: Ebonee Edwards, a first time junior driver at Mt Cotton driving a Ford Focus.
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Next hillclimbs are scheduled for 13 -14 April, a Test 'n Tune on Saturday, 4 May with the Queensland Hillclimb Championship on 1 and 2 June.
Photos below by Ian Colley Photography, more photos can be viewed and purchased on the link below:

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