2024 MG National Meeting, 29 March, 2024 - 2 April, 2024
There was a special presentation to Peter and Delia Rayment to celebrate the 50 th attendance at MG Natioinal Meetings by Peter Rayment.
Class winners at the Concours for MGCCQ members:
Barry Evans Class B Pre War MG PB
David Hall MGA Single Cam Coupe
Wayne Kirwan Class X Pre MGA Specials MG TF
Malcolm Spiden Class Q MGB GT - no not a mistake
Matt Johnson Class Y Post MGA Specials MGB
Ken Wasley Class ZC MGF/TF
Perpetual Trophies
John Wratten Memorial Trophy:-
Victoria (629.09 points), New South Wales (476.28), Queensland (437.34), Newcastle (402.39), South Australia (332.63), Hunter (280.26), Sunshine Coast (138.51), Wagga Wagga (119.45), Gold Coast (105.23), Canberra (88.91), Tasmania (69.29), Geelong (61.79), MG Restorers Association (10.07 points).
Nuffield Oceania Trophy:
Newcastle (13 points), Queensland (12.57), Hunter (7.2), New South Wales (6.45), Victoria (6.15), South Australia (4.0), Wagga Wagga (3.0), Gold Coast (2.6), Tasmania (2.4), Canberra (2.0), Geelong (2.0), Sunshine Coast (0.8 points).
Cecil Kimber Trophy:
Darren Hodgson (Newcastle)
Ian Curran-Walker Trophy:
Darren Hodgson (Newcastle)
Joan Richmond Trophy:
Jane Vollebregt (Victoria)
Chris Dodds Memorial Trophy:
Tim Edmonds (South Australia)
New Zealand Plate:
Jason Edwards (South Australia)
Golden Gudgeon: Jason Edwards (South Australia)
TC Owners Club Plate: Harry Hickling (Victoria)
Website Trophy:South Australia (first), Western Australia (second), New South Wales (third).
Click here for Official website.
Magazine Trophy:
Canberra (first), Tasmania (second), New South Wales (third)
Best Action: Lyn Hayward (Queensland)
Best Digital Enhanced: David McNabb (South Australia)
Best Still: Carol Cooke (Gold Coast)
Best Novelty: Delia Rayment (Queensland)
Discovery Tour:
Class 1 Wayne Kirwan/Megan Perrett third)
Class 2 Trevor Jones/Joy Jones (second)
Class D Delia Rayment (second), Class K Graeme Walker (first), Ally Walker (second), class Q Malcolm Spiden (first), class X Wayne Kirwan (first), class Y Matt Johnson (first).
Lap Dash class D:
Peter Rayment (first), Delia Rayment (second), class K Graeme Walker (first), class Q Malcolm Spiden (first), class Y Steve Riley (third)
Outright Motorkhana:
Matt Johnson (Queensland), Tim Edmonds (South Australia), Graeme Walker (Queensland).
Outright Speed: Tony Vollebregt (Victoria)
Outright Discovery Event: Grant Leddie/Louise Leddie (Hunter) Syd Reinhardt (NSW), Wes Bray/Chris Bray (SA).
Outright Concours Pre MGA Jason Edwards, Post MGTF Alan Nolan (New South Wales) Post 1980 Robert Gibb (Gold Coast)
For Sale now in Classifieds