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The Club offers its members the opportunity to take part in two types of runs. One is the Day Run held on various Sundays throughout the year and the other is the Mid-week run held regularly on the fourth Wednesday of each month. There is also one weekend away, usually held in July. These runs are organized to allow time for socializing as well as enjoying a drive with fellow enthusiasts.


Details of meeting times and places for the runs are advertised on the Calendar page of this website and also in the Octagon. A contact name is always given so that you can check on the latest details of the run.


Most participants drive their MG but other makes are not excluded. Below are reports and photos of some recent runs held by MG Car Club.

"Watch the birdie, they say!!??.... 
I can't see any b....y birdie!!!

Brisbane MGCCQ Mid-Week Run 26 March, 2025

Morning Tea held at the Hillclimb at Mount Cotton included:
Michael Salt and John Mulhall - MGB
John and Pat Walker – MGB GT V8
Meryl and David Miles – Subaru Forrester
Val and Kerry Horgan – Mazda CX-5
Jaime Massang – MGB V8
Lloyd and Karen Thomson – Triton Ute
Paul and Virginia Young – MGB GT
Andrew Mansfield and Rosemary Rucinski – MGB GT
Jeff Heslewood – Hyundai
Brian Cranley – Abarth
Ray Edwards – Mitsubishi
Kay Hawley and Michael Garratty – Integra Type R

During the morning, we were entertained by the Walkers, Kaye Hawley, Kerry Horgan and David Miles who all expressed their beginning days at the HillClimb and its construction.

At the conclusion of Morning Tea, John Walker led all drivers on a drive round the circuit to see how well the repairs have been completed.

We were surprised at the amount of debris on the track
after the windy and wet weather we have been experiencing. However, the track will be thoroughly
cleared before this weekend's HillClimb.

Only a handful of drivers completed the set run, apologies for the starting glitch, but we did meet at the Captain's Parrot Cafe at the Wynnum Manly Yacht Club where we were joined by several Members:
Alan and Joyce Tebbet
Wendy Hoger
Dennis and Vicki Thomas (great to see you, Dennis.)
Trevor and Joy Jones

The forecast was promising a very wet day, causing many Members to stay home in the dry.

However, once again BOM proved to be inaccurate plus the spirit of MGCCQ friends assured a great day was had by all, judging by the noisy chatter and laughter at lunch.

MGCCQ Midweek Run Repot for Wednesday, 26 February 2025


Our first run for 2025 started from the Bullocky Rest Recreation Park on the eastern shore of Lake Samsonvale. This comfortable location was also our morning tea venue.

The weather was warm and overcast as the participants arrived full of enthusiasm to catch up after the long Christmas break – it was a full-on talkfest.

Once assembled our run coordinator Jeff Heslewood reminded members that there are still vacancies to be filled for runs later in the year.

After an introduction to the group of our new member Greg Jorgensen (and his red MGA 1600) Barry gave a brief on the run. Following this, Greg and Paul & Virginia with their dog Harry left for other engagements and so the remaining 16 cars were on their way.  

The run took us to Dayboro where Brad and Sonia left us, through Mt Mee, D’Aguilar, Woodford, Neurum and to Kilcoy where we had a brief rest stop. Several road works we encountered on the Mt Mee road were not significant enough to impede our progress.

From Kilcoy we continued through the picturesque rural community of Hazeldean overlooking Lake Somerset. This last leg to lunch provided a great driving experience for the MG drivers and our other enthusiasts.

On arrival at The Spit we were greeted with clapping and cheering by the group who had made their own way to the lunch venue from the south. They had even set the tables with their table clothes in anticipation of our arrival. This group of cheerleaders consisted of Trevor and Joy, Val and Kerry, David and Meryl, Ray and Sue and Robyn.

After lunch the chatting ringleaders were called to order as Meryl took the floor and addressed us on details about the March run starting at the Mt Cotton Hillclimb venue. To conclude Jeff thanked participants and reminded all again of the vacant run dates.

Once again thank you everyone for your special companionship.

Jan Burke



Barry Lutwyche & Jan Burke - Red MGB

Michael Salt & John Mulhal - White MGB

Dennis & Diana Kelly   - Red Mazda 3

Greg Jorgensen - Red MGA

Kay Hawley & Michael Garratty - Red Mazda MX5

Lloyd Thomson   - Red MGB

Suzanne Doyle & Bev Clydsdale - White MG Midget

John & Pat Walker - Red MGBGTV8

Brad Hart & Sonia McPherson  - Cream MGTD

Mark Lacy - Primrose MGB

Paul & Virginia Young - Blue MGBGT

Allan & Joyce Tebbut - Blue MGB

Sue Panuccio & Trevor Penson  - Red VW

Brian Cranley - White Arbarth

John Davidson  - Blue MGBGT

Jeff Heslewood - Grey Hyundai

Neil & Kate Robson - Black BMW

Kevin Trower - White Corvette

Ray Edwards & Sue - Grey Mitsubishi

Val & Kerry Horgan  - Red Mazda CX5

Meryl & David Miles - Green Subaru

Trevor & Joy Jones  - Red MGA

Robyn Jenvey - White Kia

MGCCQ - XMAS Midweek Run - 27 - 29 November, 2025


Our last midweek run for the year was organized by Greg & Rhonda Hannant & as expected it was exceptional. Greg is a former rally navigator & uses the “tulips” from those days to help point us in the right direction in his route instructions which is quite unique.


We made our way individually to Jubilee Park, Beaudesert to meet for the usual pre-run briefing & morning tea. In all there were 32 of us in 19 cars (Including 8 real MG’s) who set off at around 10:30 for the drive to Ballina.


We passed through Rathdowney & Woodenbong on the way to our lunch destination of Kyogle. Losing an hour to daylight saving, we had a shortish lunch stop then pressed on, passing through the spectacular countryside around Uki, Chelmsford & Rock Valley.


After passing through Lismore we headed towards the coast through the beautiful Teven Valley enroute to our accommodation in Ballina. Greg provided some historic background to many of the areas we passed through & was also good enough to give us advanced warning of the many potholes to be avoided on the country roads.


Our group checked into the Ballina Beach Resort & settled in for the usual afternoon happy hour. Here we were joined by Allan & Joyce Tebbutt & Neil & Kate Robson who had driven down the previous day.

There was much chat about the most enjoyable drive we had completed, again using roads many of us had not seen before, then Greg gave us a briefing on plans for the following day. Most of us settled in for an evening BBQ, more chat with many laughs & a few more drinks.


Thursday brought another beautiful morning as we headed off with a warning of many more potholes to be aware of. Once we cleared Ballina it was another spectacular scenic drive through the countryside, passing through Alstonville & continuing on to Coraki for a short stop & to allow a few lost souls to catch up.​

The final leg of the morning took us through some historic farm land, with Greg again providing some interesting reading on the history of the region. Our lunch stop was Summerland Farm which was quite an eye opener & provided a shopping mecca for the ladies.


We eventually found our way back to Ballina to prepare for the Christmas function at the resort. This was of course preceded by another happy hour with plenty of tales about the days proceedings. Dinner did not disappoint, with a fine buffet enjoyed by all.


There were many comments about the efforts Greg & Rhonda put into these few days. It takes a lot of time & planning for an event like this to be so successful & to result in the fantastic time we all had. Of course the wonderful camaraderie & friendship always displayed by our group played a big part as another great year of midweek runs came to an end.



Greg & Rhonda Hannant - MG5

Dennis & Diana Kelly - Mazda 3

Lloyd & Karen Thomson - MGB

Peter Lefrancke - MGF

Wendy Hoger - MG3

John & Pat Walker - MGB GT

Jan Burke - MGB

Mark Lacy & Sharon Hill - MGB

Jeff Heslewood - Hyundai

Barry Lutwyche - MGB

Denis & Vicki Thomas - MGB

Meryl & David Miles - Subaru

Ross & Shez Letten- MGB

Neil & Margaret Taylor - Subaru

Malcolm Campbell & Kathy Burford - Golf GTI

Val Horgan - Lexus

Kay Hawley & Michael Garratty - MX5

Michael & Judith Salt - Nissan

Sue Panuccio & Trevor Penson - RAV4

Allan & Joyce Tebbutt - Audi

Neil & Kate Robson  - BMW

For Sale now in Classifieds

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