Advertisements will be accepted *FREE of CHARGE (for MGCCQ members - $10.00 per ad for non members) but a donation to the club after sale would be appreciated*.
Please keep details to the minimum necessary to accurately describe what you are selling and advise us as soon as any item is sold so that we can maintain the integrity of this service.
PLEASE NOTE: Ads WILL be removed after 3 months and no copies are kept. If you wish to relist, please email us before 3 months are up.
To place your advertisement, please phone Peter May on 54955187 or print out a form here.(Word.doc)
Email your photo here. Please send only one photo as that is all we can display.
Ad text will be edited if it exceeds the required limit - it should be no longer than the size of your photo, thanks.
PLEASE NOTE: We will not accept advertisements for cars already placed on consignment with dealers, unless the dealer in question is listed as the contact. Advertisements contravening this condition will be removed immediately.
Click on a category below.
EMAIL SCAMS: If you include an email address in your ad, please be aware that you may receive some emails that are not from genuine buyers but are part of a scam to get money from you. Treat email responses with caution and do not include your email address if you don't wish to receive unwelcome responses or spam.
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