Established 24 May, 2008
Capricorn Chapter MGCC country members living in the Rockhampton, Yeppoon, Biloela and Moura districts can now enjoy more social activities with the Capricorn Chapter being officially recognised following the meeting in Rockhampton.
Founding members from these existing Chapters joined club President David Miles and Assistant Treasurer Kevin Ponting in Rockhampton for the occasion. Gurney Clamp was appointed Co-ordinator of the club's newest regional Chapter, joining Wide Bay and Darling Downs. After holding that position for 10 years, he resigned at the end of 2018 and the role has been taken over by Gary Kunst.
Jim Armstrong is the Coordinator of the Capricorn Chapter. His contact details are :
Phone: 0417 544 222
Click here for our Facebook page.
Click here for the Capricorn Chapter – Members MG Draft Run Sheet 2024.
MGCC of QLD., Inc. Capricorn Chapter.
Run Report – Christmas Party 7 December 2024.
By: Phil Henry
Photos by: Jo Emmert, Katie Emmert, Phil Henry
The 2024 Christmas Party was held at the historic Glenmore Homestead, which served up their traditional roast dinner followed by damper. These dishes were devoured with gusto by the party faithful.
Jim Armstrong, in his farewell address as outgoing Coordinator, ranged over the various high points of his five years in the role. He noted in particular the Chapter’s successful hosting of the 2022 All Chapter meeting, which was recognised by the head club and others as having set a very high bar. This Chapter’s other distinguishing characteristic is the Long Run – no other Chapter does such events – which has resulted in high levels of interest by members of other Chapters to join us. This, over time, has presented us with a dilemma in terms of devising and implementing these longer events, particularly in relation to accommodation and food venues. More on this at the end of this report.
The annual Janelle Thomasson Award for club members of the year was presented to Jean and Clem Hill for the two memorable lunches they provided, at Kemp Beach and their home in Biloela. These meals are cooked sous vide style in a beer keg, converted by Clem to a unique adaptation of this style of cooking.
The Broken MG Award, which used to be hotly contested, was won easily by Bob and Wendy Schoevaart following a couple of memorable instances of automotive capriciousness by Bob’s Mustang. In awarding the prize, Jim meticulously described how the points are awarded. As Bob and Wendy were unable to attend at the last minute, they will be presented with their award on the first run of 2025.
Jim presented gift cards to the other retiring committee members, Jo Emmert and Clare Lynam, as well as yours truly. Jim also thanked his wife, Sandra, for her work on the All Chapter meeting as well as her support over his term as Coordinator. Sandra’s contributions were well recognised and applauded by those present.
Jim also informed the group about John Rowe’s unfortunate accident with a ladder. Jo Emmert circulated a get well card for everyone to sign. Further advice will be provided about John.
Jo then conducted the lucky door prize lottery, too many winners to list! This was followed by the distribution of Secret Sandra presents, again conducted by Jo and Katie with support from volunteers.
At this stage I took over the mic, first to present Jim with an award to recognise his 5 years of very hard work on behalf of the Chapter and its members - see photo (thanks Katie!).
Then, joined by committee members Gordon, Gary and Paul, we acknowledged the suggestions received from members for the 2025 calendar, which we will get out before the first run of 2025.
This will be on Sunday 19 January and again to Mt Archer – but there might be a surprise. Pencil it in your calendars anyway.
Then Gordon took over to outline the 2025 Long Run, to be known as the Eight Beaches Run, these being: Tin Can Bay, Hervey Bay / Urangan, Woodgate, Bargara, Elliott Heads, Agnes Water and 1770.
Here is the outline, with thanks to Gordon:
Day 1. Monday 4 August - Rockhampton to Gayndah
Day 2. Tuesday 5 August - Gayndah to Tin Can Bay
Day 3. Wednesday 6 August - Tin Can Bay to Hervey Bay/Urangan
Day 4. Thursday 7 August - Second night in Hervey Bay/Urangan
Day 5. Friday 8 August - Hervey Bay to Bargara
Day 6. Saturday 9 August - Bargara to Agnes Water
Day 7. Sunday 10 August - Agnes Water to Rockhampton.
Within the period there will be a selection of activities, identified by Gary and others. These will be refined to provide enough excursions of interest while not overburdening our delicately ageing bodies. Also, with the exception of day 1, all the driving distances are quite short.
Now, the key points, deliberately in bold:
We already have substantial interest in participating from outside the Chapter.
Most of our overnight destinations are small townships, with limited accommodation options.
Gordon has contacted and identified preferred accommodation, with some reporting they already have heavy bookings and can’t reserve rooms.
To obtain preferred accommodation providers, you need to book now.
We will give you the list of accommodation only after you advise us you want to come and provide a $20 per person deposit (which is not refundable but will be used for expenses on the run, such as donations to charities.)
We will also send you a request for personal particulars to include, as organisers, in our mandatory run information, as we did for the Great Northern and Toowoomba All Chapter meeting.
We request that you do this by Sunday 14 December to have any chance of getting preferred accommodation (other options will be provided).
After this we will be inviting other Chapters.
The Chapter’s bank account is:
MG Capricorn
BSB 084 905
A/c number 87 646 1768
With that, your new committee wishes you and yours a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, and we look forward to being with you for another interesting and enjoyable year of club activities.
MGCC of QLD., Inc. Capricorn Chapter.
Run Report, Keppel Sands, 20 October 2024
By: Phil Henry
Photos: Phil Henry and Jim Armstrong
Well summer has arrived in all its glory, so having a relatively short run was a good choice after the original destination became unavailable.
Not only that, but a lunch venue renowned for cold beer – for those of us who partake – was also well planned.
And therein lies most of the report. The run was memorable for not being memorable or demonstrating any unusual characteristics, hijinks or unfortunate incidents. Although…
A large coastal crowd had gathered at the Oaks and left on schedule. On arrival at Cawarral, the Rocky crew were already tucking into smoko. We had the shelters to ourselves and so there was about enough shade and room for everyone.
With no time pressure everyone mixed, mingled and chatted to their hearts’ content. Once that attraction had started to wear a little thin, suggestions were sought for how best to fill in the time until lunch, which had been booked for midday at the Keppel Sands pub. The agreement was to head down the Rockhampton Road to Yeppoon, then track along the Scenic Highway to Emu Park before heading back inland, including a detour to look at the water reservoir on Buccaneer Avenue.
This choice turned out perfectly, delivering us to Keppel Sands bang on midday. The renovated pub looks great and, with very efficient staff, delivered food and drink to our group in good time.
The poker run was won by Ian and Judy Hamilton and the lucky door prize by Clem and Jean Hill.
Now about the lack of unfortunate incidents – was there one involving a mobile phone? Any anonymous whispers would be welcomed.
Today’s participants:
Paul and Jo Davey
Gary Kunst
Gurney Clamp
Trevor Andersen
Meredith and Ewan Sutherland
Kev and Yvonne Carr
Ray and Jack Cowie
Lyle and Pat Fielding
John and Gail Newton
Ian and Judy Hamilton
Jo Emmert
Bob and Wendy Schoevaart and Wendy’s, sister Sue
Rick Taylor and dogs
Clare and Paul Lynam
Juan and Frances Nin
Jim and Sandra Armstrong
Clem and Jean Hill
Phil Henry
MGCC of QLD., Inc. Capricorn Chapter.
Run Report – Tannum Sands Pub, 15 September 2024.
By: Phil Henry
Photos by: Kylie Lindley and Phil Henry
September run day dawned clear and bright as a few regular Yeppoon members awaited the arrival of prospective newcomers Juan and Frances Nin. And arrive they did, not in their BMW Z3 but a brand new Landcruiser that Juan had driven down from Townsville only the night before.
The coastal group now accounted for, they made their way to Fantastic Furniture to line up with the Rocky mob. Darryl and Kylie Lindley had brought daughters Madison and Jade along with Darryl’s mum Roslyn, while Nev Funch had brought mate Grant for company. Missing from the multitude was Jo Emmert, who was at home caring for daughter Katie who was ill. So no poker run or Rusty Door prize. And thanks to Gary Whight for collecting signatures on the now mandatory attendance sheet.
Being the first weekend of the school holidays, the Bruce was busy and as we had 15 vehicles, a tail of frustrated holidaymakers and trucks soon built up.
On stopping for smoko at Mt Larcom, Gary Kunst offered to take the lead and keep us on a constant speed which, along with leaving plenty of space between cars, would make it easier for others to pass. This offer was accepted gratefully. Clem and Jean Hill joined the group here and we picked up Brian and Glenis Russell as we passed the Calliope River Historical Village.
Tannum Sands is a lot closer to Mt Larcom than we thought, resulting in the group arriving well before our reserved lunch time of midday. Well, some of the group. Tail end Charlies Gordon and Phil had noticed Richard Hughes’ snazzy Mercedes A45 AMG pulled off to the side of the road and, on circling back to investigate, found Richard surveying an extremely shredded offside rear tyre.
Now the Merc, like many new cars, doesn’t come with a spare tyre, just a can of pressurised goo. Given the state of the tyre, this was going to be of no use but Richard, having contemplated the possibility of future trouble, had invested in an emergency (space saver) tyre and kit, including a jack and tools. By enormous good fortune, this had arrived only a week previously.
Application of a little elbow grease by Gordon and Phil saw Richard ready to go in no time and so we arrived at the Tannum Sands pub to find members contemplating whether to order lunch early or check out the beach. The pub was extremely busy so we decided to hoe in early before the kitchen got overwhelmed with orders.
Lunch was tasty and, with generous proportions, we took our time to enjoy the food and the odd cleansing ale. However, we were still well ahead of time, so a meeting was held to decide on next steps. Once again, Gary K stepped in to suggest the Round Hill Lookout, to which everyone agreed. Unfortunately, we had to leave Gary Whight and Doris Lisle, who had invited Doris’s son Wayne and some fellow Triumph owners to meet us at the original time and so were still eating. Apologies for this Gary and Doris.
Getting to Round Hill Lookout highlighted another issue we could run across occasionally, especially in unfamiliar built up areas – the difference between cars with satnavs etc and those without. Also drivers with varying levels of facility with phone maps and said satnavs.
The view from the lookout is certainly spectacular so we took our time admiring the surrounds, especially the massive industrial infrastructure including ports and processing facilities.
Time was moving on so regretfully we started to head for home. But not before the customary roadie and final chat at the Raglan Pub, which drew another MGCCQ Capricornia Chapter outing to a satisfactory close.
Gary Kunst - MGB
Paul Davey - MGB
Richard Hughes - Mercedes A45 AMG
John Shepherd and Henryka Mitchell - VC Valiant
Gary Whight and Doris Lisle - Triumph 2500TC
Ewan and Meredith Sutherland - BMW Z3
Gordon Kelsey - Jaguar E-type
Neville Funch - MGB
Darryl Lindley - MGF
Kylie Lindley - Massive truck
Clem and Jean Hill - Mazda MX5
Brian and Glenis Russell - MGB
Juan and Frances Nin - Landcruiser
Ian and Judy Hamilton - Sedan
Phil Henry - MGTF
MGCC of QLD., Inc. Capricorn Chapter.
After a very foggy start, at 9am sharp on Thursday 22 August, a group of six intrepid Capricornia Chapter members and one interloper headed off in the general direction of Toowoomba, which was where the 2024 All Chapter Meeting of the MG Car Club of Queensland would be held.
The seven were Martin and Narelle Adamson, Gary and Robbie Galloway, Gordon Kelsey and his brother Ralph, and Phil Henry.
The first stretches of the Bruce Highway were uneventful if busy, and soon the group stopped in Benaraby for morning coffee. This necessity dispensed with, it was onward to Miriam Vale and then Gin Gin for lunch at the bakery. Pies all round, well received.
After that, the group continued south until hanging a right towards Biggenden. A circuit of the town and then on towards the stopover in Nanango. As we passed through Goomeri we were joined by Wayne Kirwan and Megan Perrett in their 4WD towing the van with Wayne’s (proper) MGTF inside. As you’d all know, Wayne is the Coordinator of Coordinators at MGCCQ.
It was along this stretch the first “incident” occurred, with the lead car – an “improper” MGTF, as it transpired – failing to correctly interpret instructions at some roadworks and following a truck west, until instructed by the road traffic bloke that if we wanted to go where we were supposed to, we should have gone straight ahead. The mistake and correction were embellished over dinner.
The remainder of the journey was fine, we checked into the motel to be met by Brian and Glenis Russell, who then joined the rest for dinner at the RSL. The Nanango RSL never disappoints.
As it is only a short hop from Nanango to Toowoomba, a fair amount of farting about ensued the next day to fill in time before we could check out in Nanango and check in at the Toowoomba motel. Morning tea/lunch at My Little Blueberry in Crows Nest was delightful, as were the gardens at Spring Bluff, just outside Toowoomba.
On arrival at our Toowoomba motel, the size of the weekend’s events quickly became apparent with the dozens of MGs already checked in, along with some much more exotic machinery (a McLaren). A quick beer, now having been joined by Gary Whight, his brother Kevin and sister Jennifer Adams, and then up to Picnic Point, where we beat the rush for registration.
We returned to the motel for a few more bevvies and to book taxis. And that is where the story really begins.
The supposed tour leader reckoned he’d navigated the online taxi booking system satisfactorily, so a number of others did similarly. As time was slipping away, some precautionary bookings were made with Uber, whose vehicles began to arrive, with taxis not yet in evidence. When one eventually appeared, we enquired of the driver about the original booking. “Oh yes, you are in the system”, he replied. On reflection, we should have made more detailed enquiries.
Taxis and Ubers came and went, no sign of the first booking. The booker rang again, to be advised – by automatic response - that indeed the booking was still being held. But for 6am the next morning. That booking was cancelled and another Uber called for the unlucky trio. Now you can guess who that was.
But we all arrived safely for the noggin ’n natter, compered expertly by Wayne Kirwan and with plenty of prizes for lucky ticket holders.
An early start the next day for the Kimber Runs. Of those that our members experienced, long runs through the country were a great introduction to this beautiful part of the world.
The Jondaryn Woolshed trip was briefly interrupted by the “tail end Charlie” MGB beginning to misfire into Goombudgee. As it turned out, a new arrival in the district, who owns an MGB, arrived to make a preliminary diagnosis and suggest further investigations.
That group also paid a visit to a Canberra bomber in the middle of nowhere, before spending a couple of pleasant hours at the Woolshed, then arriving for a massive, tasty lunch at the Oakey RSL.
Everyone who attended the Kimber Run to Glengallan Homestead felt lucky! Our guides took us there via back roads that could never be retraced!
This fascinating property is a sad example of boom and bust with the magnificent unfinished homestead finally abandoned and then ransacked by thieves. Happily, thanks to government grants and the generosity of wealthy locals and volunteers it is being slowly restored.
Following the tour and filled with scones, jam and cream, we drove to Leyburn and all took part in a (slow) race around the sprint circuit before lunch. The publican then gave an address about the amazing history of the town and explained that the hotel has been licensed for a year longer than the Nindigully Pub! Leyburn gets rather busy when the sprints are on and the pub recently served 1,600 meals in one night. It was a great run.
While some afternoon activities had been organised for those still keen, the long morning and big lunch put paid to some energy. A showing of the original Italian Job movie at a local cinema proved popular for many.
However, the occasionally dusty run from home meant that our vehicles needed some attention to be presentable for the next day’s show ‘n shine, so out came buckets and cloths. Except for those who somehow keep their chariots spotless without using water. It’s just amazing. It is particularly amazing for owners who locate and drive to a close by car wash – only to find their phone on the boot lid on arrival.
Dinner that night was free choice, our mob headed over the road to the Great Southern pub which, contrary to advice received, had plenty of seats available. And delicious food, particularly the butter chicken.
It was another early start for the show ‘n shine, which attracted lots of local onlookers. There was a good range of MG models on display, along with the McLaren, an Aston Martin DB11 and a – cough cough -Jaguar E-type.
Lunch was held at the nearby Cobb Co museum and it was excellent, with hot and cold food. The afternoon was scheduled as free time to explore Toowoomba and preparations for the Carnival of Flowers in the local parks. Members were also given the opportunity to visit a local member’s early MG collection.
Having learnt from the Friday night taxi debacle, Uber got a good workout on Sunday night, taking a motley crew of bizarrely outfitted MG owners to the gala evening, which had a “Flower Power” theme. Words do not suffice, just look at the photos. Again, Wayne acted as MC to distribute the prizes, based on holders of lucky “cent sale” tickets. With one table hosting all ten occupants as winners, some questions were raised about methodologies, but everything was above board. The photos certainly show that we all had a great night.
The final daystarted with a very early breakfast back at the Cobb and Co museums and again the venue provided a hearty menu to start what would be, for some, another long day on the road.
Our Chapter representative then went on to the Coordinators’ meeting, chaired by Wayne and with reps from Darling Downs, Mackay (by phone) Bundaberg and Hervey Bay. The groups reviewed the weekend’s events with an eye for improvements. Of interest to our Chapter, there was agreement that Capricorn had set a high bar in 2022, which Darling Downs had equalled. That said, the group also agreed that continually trying too hard to “lift the bar” could potentially be at the cost of everybody just having a good time. It’s a delicate balance.
The group did agree on a new methodology for the next All Chapter Meeting, but I will leave it to Wayne Kirwan to report officially on the outcomes of the meeting.
Capricorn Chapter Run members were:
Wayne Kerwin & Megan Perrett - MGTF (proper one)
Gary & Robbie Galloway - MGB
Kevin Whight
Jennifer Adams - Triumph Stag
Gary Whight - Triumph 2500 TC
Brian & Glenis Russell - MGB hardtop
Martin & Narelle Adamson -MGB
Gordon & Ralph Kelsey - E type Jag
Phil Henry - 2004 MGTF (late model)
For Sale now in Classifieds