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Established 24 May, 2008


Capricorn Chapter MGCC country members living in the Rockhampton, Yeppoon, Biloela and Moura districts can now enjoy more social activities with the Capricorn Chapter being officially recognised following the meeting in Rockhampton.


Founding members from these existing Chapters joined club President David Miles and Assistant Treasurer Kevin Ponting in Rockhampton for the occasion. Gurney Clamp was appointed Co-ordinator of the club's newest regional Chapter, joining Wide Bay and Darling Downs. After holding that position for 10 years, he resigned at the end of 2018 and the role has been taken over by Gary Kunst.


Jim Armstrong is the Coordinator of the Capricorn Chapter.  His contact details are :
Phone: 0417 544 222 


Click here for our Facebook page.


Click here for the Capricorn Chapter – Members MG Draft Run Sheet 2024.

Check out the report on the All-Chapter Queensland Meeting held by the Capricorn Chapter here.


Check out the report on the Capricorn Chapter Far North Queensland Run from 7 - 16 August, 2023 here.

MGCC of QLD., Inc. Capricorn Chapter.

Coordinator; Jim Armstrong (0417 544 222)

Media Liaison Officer; Phil Henry (0434 017 132)

Run Committee; Jo Emmert, Clare Lynam, Phil Henry

Chapter First Aid Officer; Rae Cowie


Run Report - Agnes Water, 15-16 June 2024.

By Jo Emmert and Phil Henry.


A crisp and sunny day greeted the coastal group who had gathered at the Oaks, to make their way to Rockhampton to catch up with the Rocky crew, eagerly awaiting their arrival at the Duckponds. As it turned out another car club were also gathering there for a run to Bouldercombe, making parking challenging.

Initially this was not a major problem as all our members found somewhere to park. But as Jim was finishing his pre-run instructions, a couple of B-doubles tried to drive through our artistically parked vehicles so their drivers could grab their morning meat pie from the pie van. This was never going to work, so we all hit the road, bound for the caravan park at the Calliope River Historical Village.


All was well until some members felt the call of nature. Only to discover that the public toilets were closed and the proprietors of the little store were demanding a purchase be made for access to their dunnies. Some intrepid souls made it through on bravado alone following their fearless chapter coordinator to the long drop, maybe this is a rest stop that we’ll not use again.

Onward to Miriam Vale for lunch and no hiccups, apart from a “what charter boat” moment where Bronwyn’s MGB was reversed into. Discussion was split on whether the boat pulling driver, felt the bump prior to driving off. Good opportunity for a remodel needed, or not. From there it’s only a short hop to Agnes Water, it was from here Jenny (Gordon’s sister) jumped into Paddy with Jo leaving Gordon in his Subaru to ponder the prized Jag in his garage.


What seemed a blink of an eye, everyone was checked in and some had cracked their first can of refreshing ale or glass of wine when we heard a roar approaching our motel. Into the driveway and around the corner into the carpark appeared a bright red Mustang. Even the women put their wines down to view the red beast. Shane (Swifty) and Kirsten Swift are owners of the chick magnet and long-time friends of Jim and Sandra, and indeed all of Biloela. They enjoyed the pre-dinner drinks and chatter with us. We are still wondering why Shane did not want to trade his Mustang for two of our MG’s.


Then usual cocktail hour festivities followed, after which we all repaired to Cobies Café alongside the Mango Tree motel for burgers, wraps, tacos and drinks. It was here where Jo attempted unsuccessfully to complete the Poker run.

Not mentioning names but why did Robbie have six cards in her hand, she did have long sleeves on and ended up holding a winning hand, if it wasn’t for Yvonne having an ace-high straight. We’re thinking Sandra may have had something to do with this, as she assisted handing out cards and rusty door tickets at commencement of the day. This seemed to be the longest Poker run in the club’s history, lasting from 8:30 am until 9pm at night. Jo gave up in the end and returned to her Sav Blanc to console herself, offering amnesty at the Christmas party for return of said playing cards, missing from the several decks used this year.


The night chilled quickly and only those with warm jumpers braved an after-dinner drink outside the rooms. Some of us may remember to close the bedroom windows next time prior to a few drinks, just to keep warm during the night.


Sunday dawned bright and sunny. Fortunately, Gordon had gone for a quick recce of the proposed breakfast venue, only to find it closed. As a result, the group went to the shops close by and had breakfast there. Toast was in abundance for some.


With bellies full it was time to do a little sightseeing and the first stop was to the 1770 Distillery and Mad Nursery at 9:58am to taste a few of their craft gins. An ideal way to wash down breakfast! Some people even bought plants.


Then it was off to the 1770 Headland to take in the magnificent views of the deep blue sea. While the large breakfasts had satisfied most tummies, it was by now lunch time and the 1770 Beach Hotel beckoned with tasty entrée sized meals and of course, being a pub, some drinks. After which, we all tootled happily off in different directions to conclude another excellent weekend.



Jim and Sandra Armstrong - MGBGT

Martin and Narelle Adamson - MGB

Jo Emmert - MGB

Bronwyn and Ray - MGB

Paul and Jo-Anne Davies M- GB

Gordon Kelsey and Jenny - Subaru (shame!!)

Clem and Jean Hill Mazda - MX5

Kev and Yvonne Carr - BMW Z3

Lyle and Pat Fielding - Audi

Bob and Wendy Schoenveldt - Mustang

Gary and Robbie Galloway - MGB

Phil Henry - MGTF

MGCC of QLD., Inc. Capricorn Chapter.

Coordinator; Jim Armstrong (0417 544 222)

Media Liaison Officer; Phil Henry (0434 017 132)

Run Committee; Jo Emmert, Clare Lynam, Phil Henry

Chapter First Aid Officer; Rae Cowie

Run Report; MGCC of Qld Inc, Capricorn Chapter

Classics by the Dawson Baralaba 26th May 2024.

(combined run with Jaguar Drivers Capricornia register)


Well, this run was planned as far back as late 2023 when the Jag Drivers register approached us to join them on a run during 2024. They proposed the “Classics by the Dawson” car show which is held in Baralaba every two years. We promptly agreed and it made our annual proposed run calendar.


Unlike some previous runs this year, the weather was very kind to us and so the run was held as scheduled.

It was a relatively early start for the Yeppoon contingent who met as planned at the Oaks Service Station before heading up to Rockhampton to meet up with the rest of our group and the Rockhampton contingent of the Jaguar Drivers Register.


All was good and after a brief pre run talk from both John Large, president of the Jag group, and myself we headed off bang on time to Baralaba via the Mount Morgan Golden Mile Road where each two years the now famous hill climb is held. From Mt morgan to Dululu, Wowan and eventually turning onto the Rannies Baralaba road. As John was not familiar with this road, he asked me to lead.


So far so good except that the road had just be resealed and there were a few stones ejected from passing cars on of course hitting my windscreen. Never mind, only a very small chip.


We reached Baralaba show ground just a little late, but the officials were keen and waiting to show us where to park and soon had us all parked where they wanted us.

One of our Biloela members, Clem Hill, had asked me previously to help judge the vehicles and promptly handed me a score sheet as I stepped out of my car. The rest of our group had their smoko and then mingled around the showgrounds to take in the ambience of the day.


In the meantime, Clem another judge and myself had the arduous task of judging so many well-prepared vehicles from baby Austins to Rolls Royce’s, 48-215 Hoden (FX) to Cadillacs, Falcons, Zephyrs and Mustangs, early Chevy’s and Fords and many other marques too many to name. Crikey, how do you compare a baby Austin to a XYGT Falcon????


Then there were Motorbikes! Harley’s, Nortons and smaller rare ag bikes including a military parachuters minibike.


Anyway, after a couple of hours we got on top of it and handed our individual scoresheets into the show officials. By now a Barbeque lunch was on the go and so we all rejoined and tucked into a typical bush sized steak and salad.


Soon after lunch, the awards were given out and in our group John and Gail Newton picked up a trophy for one of the top five best cars of the show with their E type Jaguar and Paul Lynam picked up best Motorcycle with his newly acquired Norton 750 Commando.

Time was marching on by now and so we held a brief meeting and decided to go home via the Baralaba -Duringa Road.


All was going well until, at the Capricorn Highway T Junction we had a rather nasty incident where somehow during braking, Phil W clipped the tail of Paul’s new Norton sending him off his bike and on to the roadway and then when trying to avoid Paul, Phil crashed into the post of a cattle grid.


Thankfully although quite shaken, Phil and Paul seemed relatively unhurt at first, something that was confirmed by, as luck would have it, a passing Ambulance driver. Our Jo was quick to grab our first aid kit and dressed and cleaned Paul’s wounds that were bleeding and settled both Phil and Paul down who by now had consoled each other in true Aussie mate-ship ways.

Next drama was how were we going to get the drivers and vehicles home? The RACQ didn’t want to know us and neither did any towing companies that were relatively local. That’s when we contacted Wayne Kirwan, our Chapter Liaison Officer who was also at the show with his lovely partner, Megan Perritt. Neither of them hesitated to offer us a loan of their Car Trailer and Hi lux to recover the damaged vehicles.


They drove straight over from Baralaba with the Toyota and Trailer. In the meantime, Neville, Gurney and Ewan went to work to remove Phil’s MGB from the grid and bend the left side mudguard back enough so as the tyre wasn’t jammed hard up against the body work which allowed us to move and later load the MGB with relative ease.


As this occurred on a relatively tight bend, Phil Henry assumed Traffic controller to avoid further mishaps.

It wasn’t long before Wayne and Megan turned up and then it was all hands-on deck to first load Paul’s Bike up the front and still had enough room for Phil’s MGB.

At this stage in the story, I must commend all our members who were on the run and stopped without a second thought to help with the situation. I also must commend the members of the Jaguar drivers register who were present and stopped to help.


Once loaded we resumed our journey back to our homes but with a reshuffle of cars and drivers. Lyle drove my MGA home, Paul went home in with Clare in her MGA via the Rockhampton Hospital for a check over at Clare and Jo’s insistence, whilst I drove Wayne’s Toyota Phil W as a passenger with the two Damaged vehicles in the Trailer.


Paul and Clare spent considerable time in the Rockhampton Hospital while Paul had a scan and X-Rays of his suspected damaged limbs. It turns out he had a broken right leg and two broken bones in his right hand yet at the scene he was walking about albeit with a little limp, talk about tough!


On a brighter note, it has been Sixteen (16) years last Sunday since our Chapter was first welcomed into the Greater MGCC of Qld Inc. A lot of water under the bridge and kilometers on the road has passed since then and sadly a few original members have passed away.


Unfortunately, the above incident is the first after many years and kilometers of organized runs with our MGCC and in particular our chapter, The Capricorn Chapter.

MGCC of QLD., Inc. Capricorn Chapter.

Run report Capricorn Chapter MGCC of Qld Inc.

28 April 2024

By Phil Henry
Photos by Clare Lynam, Kylie Lindley and Phil Henry

Put back by a week because of bad weather, Sunday’s run dawned clear and sunny.  With coordinator Jim Armstrong busy elsewhere, Clare Lynam stepped up to conduct a mystery run.  Not so mysterious was the onset of various uncertainties about time and location of the start but eventually all participants, including new members Kylie and Darryl Lindley in their MGF, had arrived at the carpark at the end of Norman Road.  Google maps does not identify the occupants of the buildings, I think it’s something environmental.  There is, however, one unresolved mystery.  Read on.


Clare then advised everyone that the first stop would be Mt Archer, where we would have morning tea.  It’s been a while since the climb up had caused any vehicular malfunctions, but even the crisp temperature didn’t prevent some cooling system problems, expansion tank lids and hoses in this case. 


As a result, with both bonnets up, Bob Schoevart’s Mustang and John Newton’s E Type are now in the running for the Broken MG award at this year’s Christmas party. 

Thankfully, after brief running repairs, both cars proceeded satisfactorily for the rest of the day.

While everyone was enjoying their morning tea, Gordon advised that his Hobart-based sister would be visiting and they would be staying over an extra night at Agnes Water to do the LARC tour which will not be operating on the Sunday.  He suggested that anyone wishing to do likewise should book accommodation quickly, as it’s peak tourist season. 

Yours truly also gave a brief update on arrangements for those traveling to the All Chapter Meeting in Toowoomba in August. 


After far too much fun, Clare announced that the next stop was St Christopher’s Chapel, just past JB Swift on the Emu Park Road.  We all arrived and soaked in some of Rockhampton’s history as represented at this serene place. 


With lunch time beckoning, there was one last drive-by visit to Glenmore Homestead before a quick dash up Belmont Road to the Caves Pub.  They were well prepared for our group and soon everyone was tucking in or enjoying a cold refreshment, some managing to do both at once.

Gloria’s poker run was won by Gordon and – the other winner is still a mystery!  Do let us know if you are that person.

And with that, another successful run was done and dusted.  Don’t forget this Friday’s dinner is at the Parkhurst Tavern.  Let Jim know if you are coming.



Clare Lynam - MGA
Paul Lynam - MGTC
Gary Whight and Doris Lisle - Camry?
Richard Hughes - Triumph TR8
Meredith Sutherland and son Ed – Lexus
Rick and Michele Taylor – Corvette
Ian and Judy Hamilton – Commodore
Rae and Jack Cowie- Bentley
Darryl and Kylie Lindley – MGF
John and Gail Newton – Jaguar E Type
Bob and Wendy Schoevart – Ford Mustang
Phil White – MGB
Gordon Kelsey – Subaru
Phil Henry – MGTF (late model)

For Sale now in Classifieds

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